The European Commission has launched an investigation into whether the tax structures set up by Apple, Starbucks and Fiat in Ireland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg constitute illegal state aid. Last year a US Senate committee released a report which said that Ireland had functioned as a tax haven for Apple which allowed it to pay just 1.9% tax on overseas profits of $39bn. Under EU rules, member states are not allowed to grant aid to specific companies or sectors if it would . . . 2014-06-16 00:00:00Read more
THE TAX DIRECT ACTION GROUP, UK Uncut returned this week after a long break. The group closed down several Vodafone stores claiming that the company has avoided billions in taxes. Vodafone, it will be of no surprise were unimpressed, calling the action ‘ignorant’ and ‘undeserved’. Nevertheless, UK Uncut plans more action ahead of Vodafone’s AGM.SONY DSC CAMPAIGNERS IN NAMIBIA have challenged global diamond mining giant DeBeers to prove that they are not engaged in t . . . 2014-06-16 00:00:00Read more
In Caroline’s words: “Islands will be an illuminating, absurd and powerful new show about tax havens, little empires, enormous greed and the few who have it all – yes, your bit too.” We’ve been working with Caroline and her team since 2012, and we know the play will shock many when it comes to the stage in London in January 2015. In the true tradition of TJN, we’d invite you to dig into your pockets and contribute (as an Agitator, maybe, or better still as a Beser . . . 2014-06-13 00:00:00Read more
Сонгинохайрхан дүүргийн Ханын материалын эцсээс 2 номерын тролейбус Офицеруудын ордныг чиглэн төв замаар давхилаа. Гэхдээ шөнө дунд.
Шөнийн тролейбус... Энэ үйлчилгээг Хотын захиргаанаас гаргасан шийдвэрийн дагуу явуулж, шөнө буюу 23.00-05.00 цагийн хооронд хэр . . . 2013-08-30 10:45:09Read more
Хичээлийн шинэ жилтэй холбоотойгоор нийслэлийн замын хөдөлгөөний ачаалал эрс нэмэгддэг. Улаанбаатар хотын шалган бүртгэх товчоодоор дамжин хот руу орж ирэх машины тоо ердийн үеэс 4 дахин нэмэгджээ. Тиймээс замын хөдөлгөөний ачааллыг бууруулах талаар нийслэ . . . 2013-08-23 19:08:27Read more